
FCI Interactive Product Theater’s videos are available to watch!

Get Ready to Stream!

The FCI Team would like to THANKS those who could attend our third annual “Interactive Product Theater” held during the ASOPRS Fall Scientific Symposium on October 18, 2024, in Chicago, IL.

This event would not have been successful without your active participation. We hope you enjoyed attending this event and learned more about some of FCI’s innovative and exclusive devices for oculoplastic surgery.

A special thanks to our great panel of speakers: DRS. ALON KAHANA, GEORGE ESCARAVAGE, and DAN GEORGESCUfor their involvement and enlightening clinical presentations.

In case you could not attend this FCI event in-person, the Interactive Product Theater was filmed in partnership with The Ophthalmologist magazine, and the videos are available TO WATCH NOW! 

Please make sure to SCROLL DOWN this page and enjoy your front row seat!

Individual Presentations

Speakers’ Interviews

We also take this opportunity to attach to this message a list of the devices that were mentioned during the presentations:

Any Questions?

For more information about FCI offer or to get in touch with your local distributor,
please contact us. We will be in touch with you shortly.